
Support Openlove101

John and I really enjoy sharing our experiences with you on our blog, through writing and producing videos. We can reach couples and singles here on our site that are truly interested in our lifestyle and we are able to reach people around the world. Our purpose in having this web site is to educate people that are curious or thinking about trying an alternative sex positive relationship. We decided to come fully out so that we might help in getting rid of some of the negativity and stereotypes that many Americans, the mainstream media and local governments have about the swinger lifestyle and other non traditional relationships.

However, running this website is expensive and very time-consuming for us both. To be able to devote the necessary time and energy to it our blog must generate some sources of revenue. We have some affiliate programs that we promote and utilize that you can find in our sexy stuff section, but it doesn’t generate the revenue that we need to maintain a professional site. We have discussed making it a pay for a membership site, but we’ve decided to let our readers support it to whatever degree they wish. This way, our articles, interviews, and videos will remain freely available to everyone.

You can make a one-time or monthly donation using a credit card or a PayPal account. So if you are one of those that enjoy seeing our videos or reading our articles you can now sponsor it directly with a one-time or monthly donation.

We are honored to have a community of people who value what we do. Thank you very much for your support.

Love, John and Jackie






Help spread the love!

Thank you for your support! You can make a monthly or one-time donation using your PayPal account or a credit card. Just click the Donate button below.

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