Swinging Relationship

Ask John & Jackie: Sex And Jealousy In Your Swinging Relationship

Dear John & Jackie, Hello! My girlfriend and I have been with a two couples before and we loved it but some jealousy started to arise. What are ways to help her feel comfortable again with the idea of swinging. Jealousy 101 ===================== Dear Jealousy 101, Communication, communication, communication! It is very important to have …

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Swinging Relationship Issues: Defusing Arguments

Jackie: Have you ever had an argument with your partner? John: *chuckles* Jackie: Why are you laughing?!? Lol the guys here will understand Jackie’s rhetorical question and John’s response. Today’s video is about arguments and defusing them with your partner! Set aside that fear, anger, fault, and more and turn it into a constructive opportunity …

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