Open communications and relationship coaching with Alexandra Stockwell

In most committed relationships, open and honest communication is hard to come by. Men struggle to be vulnerable in an attempt to preserve their testosterone-driven manhood, while women choose not to share because of fears of being dismissed or, worse, misunderstood.

Our guest, Alexandra Stockwell, understood the power of possibilities that lay within relationship coaching when she became a marriage and intimacy expert, making the switch from medicine. She found that helping couples through their relationship troubles also paved the way for her own self-healing. It all comes down to understanding your desires and, after you’ve fully accepted them for yourself, communicating them with your partner with unencumbered emotional expression.

These difficult conversations may lead to moments of conflict, and our guest explains why that scenario is actually an opportunity for you and your partner to forge a stronger emotional bond. Alexandra truly believes that compromise does more harm than good and that if you can learn the skill of being in a great relationship, with the understanding that communication is a state of mind which allows you to be vulnerable and share your emotional experiences, then you will be able to use your relationship as a vehicle for personal growth.

Learn Alexandra’s six keys to communicating in an uncompromising way, and so much more!

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