In this enlightening episode, John and Jackie from OpenLove101 explore the evolving role of swingers clubs. Far from being exclusive to the lifestyle, these clubs are becoming inclusive spaces for couples and individuals to connect, share, and grow.
They discuss the unique, welcoming atmosphere of clubs like Colette, the valuable conversations they foster, and how these spaces promote deeper understanding and intimacy in relationships.
and so I know these are all brand new people yeah that are wanting not necessarily to experience having sex with people in the club but experiencing the sexiness of the club hey guys the cool thing about swingers clubs is they’re really not just for swingers they’re for everybody
but before we get going go to open the sign up for our email list if you’re watching our YouTube channel click the Blue Bell and be notified of this and upcoming videos and back to the swingers clubs you know it’s just really crazy how me it makes sense people think
they’re they’re their ideas of what a swingers club would be and if they’re in you know just kind of a fun loving monogamous relationship it’s not going to be a place for them but we have so many people that Colette and other clubs that we know of and in hotel takeovers
and cruise ship takeovers where people go just to be around that sexy fun atmosphere I mean you walk into Colette it’s just like being in a regular nightclub isn’t it what I tell people is the big difference is women especially can go in there and dress as sexy as they want to
be and feel comfortable they don’t have to worry about some drunk guy hidden on them when their husband goes to the bathroom uh uh you know being aggressive on the dance floor it’s really such a respectful atmosphere and a safe place to be and be yourself that I know that I mean I have
friends that aren’t in the lifestyle and they’ve come to the club and they’ve had a great time it’s just like any not any other nightclub because they because I think the people make it even better it’s better than just a regular my club in my opinion and it’s it’s not just people in the
lifestyle that are in there people from all walks of life and uh that are there for whatever their reason is maybe they like going there just to get a little turned on from the sexual energy energy that’s in that club and then go home and have a good time together you know we we
recently had a gathering at our house and there was a couple that attended and it’s the first time that ever attended anything that had to do with uh people in the lifestyle and the Gathering that we had at our house wasn’t just strictly people in the lifestyle it was kind of a
conglomeration or what we people in the lifestyle like to call a swirl party where there’s just you know lots of different groups of people in the in the same in the same setting you it was so interesting to talk to him later to talk to the husband later and he said you know I I don’t know what I was
expecting but it wasn’t but what I was expecting didn’t happen you know he said I just he said the environment was so relaxing and it was so welcoming and so loving and when I say loving again I feel like I need to make this distinction I don’t mean sexual I mean loving like empathy like
caring for who you are interested in who you are want to get to know you they uh you know they love the fact that you’re there with your partner and that the two of you are enjoying yourselves he said that the entire night was that kind of um that kind of an energy and when we spoke to him it
was days later and he said that he was still carrying that energy around with him like it was such a positive experience and this is the type of explanation that I wish more people had an opportunity to experience cuz like you said it’s not yes I mean the club can be whatever
you want it to be I mean you can go in strictly you’re trying to find a play partner that is your goal and you know that can happen but it’s important to also let people know that these are venues that ALS also just provide a great energy and kind of a destigmatizing
environment which is also really an interesting word to be using because it’s a swinger club and most people have stigma about it but it’s a destigmatizing environment and I think especially for women and you brought it up is they can come into this environment and so much of the veil of of who they
have to be as women gets lifted or you know kind of Fades away they can be sexy they can be open about their sexuality they can talk to other women about issues that they’re going through or they can um you know they don’t have to pretend that they’re not sexual and they
don’t have to be koi they don’t have you know they just don’t have to do all of that stuff and then the men the men come in they don’t have to be jealous they don’t have to keep track of their partner they don’t have to do this or that or the other they can just be
themselves and when you strip a lot of that away from people and just give them this space where they get to be kind of authentic I mean it’s it’s a space that becomes really addictive from that standpoint and the other stuff all just kind of becomes this beautiful beautiful bonus uh you
get to see your partner in a different light you know um we talk about this all the time when you and I have sex we’re this far apart right I just can only see so much of you when we’re doing that but when I’m sitting in a chair and you’re across the room and you’re talking to a
woman I get to see what you look like when you’re interacting M and just even watching that can be a turn on it can it can invigorate and remind you why you’re with you’re with the person that you’re with yeah right they’re like oh look how he moves look how he smiles look look
how she’s looking at him kind of that admiration or um somebody else recognizing how attractive you are or how you look in your outfit or you know complimenting you instead of that being a a threat it gets to become this welcome affirmation you know to the partnership
and that’s a beautiful thing and I don’t know why more people wouldn’t want to be experiencing that with their partner but I get it you know I mean I was the same way the first time I went in the club I like I’m GNA have to do something you know there’s going to be this
expectation and there’s not there’s one thing thing you mentioned and by the way I want to take that and use that in promoting our club and maybe others too because that that what you just said is just really uh it is exactly what the club is about when you walk in it’s just
like a nightclub lounge and if you’re in a if you’re in a strictly monogamous relationship and you were to come to Colette uh to be able to sit down and have open conversations about your sex life sex life things you can do in the bedroom to make to enhance your sex with your partner
talk about vibrators and how they work for this person how this one likes this one and I mean there’s just so many things that don’t get talked about normally when um because we have friends that are strictly monogamous and we go out to dinner with them these conversations don’t come
up yeah you know and to be able to go to a club and other people you’re able to talk about these things or something that’s maybe going on in your in your sex life with your partner you want to share with get feedback from other people that have may have gone through
the same thing um uh young women that maybe don’t have a lot of experience yet and can learn about things they can do and older women that may be going through menopause and they have that in common with some other women in there they can talk about that and things
they’ve done to try and overcome that you know it’s just a great environment to talk about all these sexual topics and relationship topics that would be Taboo in other other venues well and and it also shows that you can have sexual conversations without it meaning that
you’re automatically going to have sex yeah yeah I mean oh what a concept you know another thing that we had happen at at a gathering at our house is there’s a couple that is new to the lifestyle and they’re a well established couple I mean they’ve been together for a minute you know they’re a
little older but they’re embarking on this new Venture this new chapter in their life and there was another couple there and they’ve been in the lifestyle a long time a little younger and she she had on a piece of lingerie that you could kind of see um she had a blouse over it but you
could kind of see the lingerie and the other other couple’s husband had made a comment that he had seen it and was kind of admiring it and would you know was thinking about maybe getting something like that for his wife you know she really likes those things and here’s
this other woman she’s like oh it’s a you know whatever type of lingerie brand that it was and she stood up she took her blouse off she’s showing him you know everybody in the room is discussing this piece of lingerie from the lingerie standpoint not from any kind of like anything and I
don’t know I’m standing back watching this transpire and I’m thinking that there’s something really beautiful about this that this man could make this comment and then she can just respond honestly information wise and we’re looking at the lingerie and it’s not a big deal but I’m
thinking in another environment you’d never be able to do that and then I think that would be a missed opportunity um for information for another couple yeah I I mean I I just feel like if this is something that’s supposed to be so important for relationship why do we not talk about it
it’s so weird to me and and we we give information to people individually all day long you find it in magazines all day long but nobody ever saying we should all be talking about it we should all be gathering together in clubs and talking about it and and seeing what
other people have learned and how so and so got through their Ed issues or how so and so like you said went through menopause or you know uh what turns their husband on or their wife and this is what they’ve tried and maybe they’ve tried something you’re like you can do
that like I didn’t even know that was a thing you could try and it’s not about actually having to do that with the other people people it’s about being able to gather information and take it home and strengthen your relationship um but it can be that you know it can be all of that it can be all
of it it can be none of it but what I’m seeing is a shift in our clubs where we’re getting more and more people that are brand new we do um oh when they tours we give tours to new people that come into our clubs and I can stand back and watch our staff give tour after tour after
tour and so I know these are all brand new people yeah that are wanting not necessarily to experience having sex with people in the club but experiencing the sexiness of the club and giving themselves permission to have those discussions and I love that so yeah absolutely clubs are a perfect place to
go I agree I love seeing it I love seeing it MH hey guys thanks for joining our show today uh be sure and sign up for our email list at we’ll send you updates on blogs videos and other things that we have going on be sure and check out our newsletter some of the
links we have in there that go to our sponsors like uh Splash or SDC and we will see you soon see you
Courtney is the Marketing Director for Openlove101 and colette Clubs.
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Going to a lifestyle club is one of the best ways to meet other like-minded people, but don’t make the mistakes that can turn a great night out into a complete DISASTER!