Our mission is to inform, educate, and provide conversation for anyone interested in a more open relationship with their partner, and to further foster a community of open-minded, sexually motivated adults who want to experiment in love and sex.
For the last five years, John and I have kept to this mission. Every week for the past 260 weeks, Openlove101 has broadcast a new piece of information. Whether we’re discussing the ins and outs of opening up your relationship to include consensual non monogamy, dealing with fears, learning to communicate with your partner, jealousy, or the triumphs and tribulations of open love, we’ve been there every step of the way.
We’ve walked the walk and talked the talk. We’ve shared our story in the hopes of giving others permission to live their best lives. We want couples to know they can create the relationship of their dreams through open communication, unwavering trust, and raw unadulterated honesty. We never want those searching for a different relationship model to ever feel as though their quest is anything but worthy. The voyage into their relationship is just that… their voyage.
We want those singles who are carving out a plan to know that they have the freedom to search for and obtain the relationship they desire. Or, they can sit happily in the knowledge that being single is a choice they want. Either way, the ball is in their court.
Through Openlove101, John and I want those interested in a more open relationship concept to feel accepted and embrace their choice. We want to show them that living authentically should be something they never shy away from. It’s up to all of us to be courageous in our choices and make sure we’re the ones defining our life and not the other way around.
Over the past five years we’ve seen thousands of couples and singles accept their authenticity and make strides towards a more purposeful life. We too have experienced such expansion. When I reach backwards, reviewing my own maturation in the lifestyle, I’m astounded by the strides taken.
Today I can say without hesitation that consensual non-monogamy has gifted me with the most honest and trustworthy partnership I’ve ever experienced. I know I’m not alone in this claim. John and I see the fruits of this lifestyle daily, whether via email or comments on Openlove101 or through our YouTube channel, Instagram, or Facebook. We’re blessed to witness the incredible transformation experienced by so many others who have decided to envelope a more open lifestyle.
One area in which I’m most proud is the reach of Openlove101. We don’t only appeal to those wanting to incorporate consensual non-monogamy, but also those couples who are in monogamous relationships and have realized our tools of honesty and open communication are having incredibly positive outcomes in their marriages as well.
You see, couples, no matter what relationship model they adopt, still need to be able to freely discuss their fears, fantasies, hopes, dreams, desires, and views. This is one of the goals John and I adhere to daily. We show couples (and singles) the benefits of working through fears and antiquated relationship beliefs in order to bring about relationship prosperity.
Who benefits from Openlove101? Anyone who wants to shake up the status quo. Individuals who know without a doubt that life is about being genuine. For those who want to live a life that puts them on their most honest course. Whether you’re male, female, transgender, in a poly relationship, a swinger, open, monogamous, gay, straight, or bi we want everyone to know that you matter. We want you to know whatever course you choose, if it brings you joy and peace and contentment, then that’s what matters.
What does 2020 have in store? As always, John and I and our Openlove101 crew are hard at work creating content that will bring about those opportunities for growth and change. We’ll of course continue to send weekly emails full of new content, whether it comes in the form of a written blog, our ever growing guest bloggers, a YouTube video, and now our new podcast. This year we’ll be reintroducing our super successful World Love Summit. This massive effort showcases 19 separate interviews with some of the most educated and prominent industry voices.
What else is new in 2020? We’re thrilled to announce the newest member to our growing company: NEON Dating! This new dating app will captivate all those who join. For the first time a couple will be able to create a joint profile on this much anticipated phone app. Available now through Google and Apple, you can join the thousands of current members as you search for that just right couple or single.
John and I will continue to reach out to those interested in the lifestyle through our colette clubs. Whether you plan on visiting our New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, or Austin site we hope you’ll come away with the same sense of community that we’ve experienced each and every time we attend.
We also have our newest concept, Bang Bang Social Club. This full liquor bar just opened in Houston. Bang Bang is the perfect location to relax and get to know others. Located within walking distance of our colette Houston club, it’s the perfect spot to meetup with others. Whether you “swing” by to watch the game, play a round of pool, chat with our bartender, dance to the tunes, or just chill, Bang Bang is the in place to be.
John and I and our amazing Openlove101 team will continue to bring out the best of what consensual non-monogamy has to offer. We’ll continue to sing the praises of honesty and trust in any partnership, educate those who are interested in forfeiting their fears in exchange for a more loving and peace filled existence, and reach out to those who are ready for change. We’ll be that shoulder to lean on and the patient ear of understanding as we all navigate our way towards a life and love we want.
Thank you for showing up to Openlove101 every single day. John and I have been blessed by and grown from the unwavering support and love these past five years. We’re honored to be surrounded by such a supportive community and look forward to what the future has in store.
John & Jackie

John and Jackie Melfi are in a consensually non monogamous marriage. They have been featured in ABC News Nightline Special Report “Getting Naughty In N’awlins”, Inside a New Orleans Swingers Convention, and CNN “This Is Life” with Lisa Ling. The Melfis are the force behind the industry famous colette swingers clubs in New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, and Austin. With over 20 years of combined experience, this powerhouse couple coaches thousands of singles and couples through their award winning blog Openlove101.com.